The Walnut Grove PTO is an active parent organization that helps enrich both in-school and out of school experiences for students, families and teachers. Please take a moment and sign up to be on a committee. There is an opportunity for everyone. These great events can’t take place without your help. There are many committees with varying amounts of volunteer time.
School Carnival
Organize activities, themes, food and volunteers for the annual School Carnival.
Community Rewards
Manage publicity and redemptions as determined by Box Tops, Hy-Vee receipts, etc.
Explorer Nights
Schedule, publicize and attend school sponsored community activity nights. Follow up with community partners to confirm event.
Fine Arts Fair
Purchase snacks and drinks. Organize volunteers for the snack table.
Room Parent Coordinator
Recruit, supervise and support Room Parents for each classroom, which includes party management and providing an outlet of communication between the parents, classroom teacher and P.T.O. Works with Hospitality to coordinate Teacher Appreciation Week.
Compile a School directory including address and phone numbers of Students of Walnut Grove. Arrange for (electronic) distribution to families of Walnut Grove.
School Carnival
Organize activities, themes, food and volunteers for the annual School carnival.
Classroom Grants
Seek input from teachers, do research, bring ideas and costs to the Board of Directors for ways to spend budgeted monies for the current school year to benefit the School community. This committee requires a chairperson and at least one executive board member totaling 5 members, including the chairperson of said committee, to be active.
Work with the school to provide refreshments and servers at P.T.O. functions, open houses, teacher conference luncheons, and other functions as needed. Coordinates a monthly appreciation meal (breakfast, luncheon, snacks etc.) for all teachers/staff staying within the approved budgeted amount. Can solicit donations for each month’s theme from Walnut Grove families and general membership that want to participate. Works with Room Parent Coordinator to coordinate Teacher Appreciation Week.
Supervise landscaping upkeep and provide recommendations for additional landscape needs.
Spirit Wear
Coordinate the design, sales and distribution of t-shirts, sweatshirts, and other spirit items. Suggested sales begin at school enrollment.
Coordinate the completion of the annual student yearbook including vendor contract negotiation, picture collection, layout, design, student sales, and distribution.
Marketing Chair shall oversee the organization’s efforts to communicate with Walnut Grove community through such vehicles as Walnut Grove PTO website, social media, and other appropriate communication tools. The Chair shall oversee and coordinate promotion of events and distribution of messages to the Walnut Grove Community through above avenues. The Marketing Chair shall advise and
drive the technology solutions for the benefit of the organization and the School. The Marketing Chair shall perform other technology duties as may be assigned by the Board.
Watch D.O.G.S.
Coordinate Donuts with Grownups to gather volunteers for W.A.T.C.H. Dog dates during the school year. Work with the school to obtain tshirts for volunteers and provide volunteers names for the days they signed up.
Grants to Staff
Treasurer oversees the reimbursement to the School Secretary for the amount of $50 per Full Time staff and $25 per Part Time Staff to use to purchase classroom items.
Time with Teachers
Coordinate with teachers to gather winning activities and recruit volunteers.
Dance Chair
Will be in charge of organizing and planning an event for the whole school on an assigned date agreed upon by the Principal. The event will be kid and family friendly and be able to accommodate any individual. There will be a budget provided for this position and the Chair will stay within the budget or plan alternating ways of raising money for the event.
BINGO night will be kid and family friendly and accommodate any individuals. The organizer will provide BINGO cards, markers, prizes, and refreshments.