Walnut Grove Supply List 2024-2025 | |
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Walnut Grove 2024-2025 Supply List
Note: This list is different from the district list in order to meet the specific needs of each grade level at Walnut Grove.
Early Childhood
o Full Size backpack (NO WHEELS)
o 4 JUMBO Purple Glue sticks
o 2 boxes of Kleenex
o 2 Paper Towel Rolls
o 1 Package of napkins
o 1 Lysol Spray
o 1 Package disinfectant wipes
o 1 Package baby wipes
o Dixie cups
o 1 Individual water bottles (no stainless steel)
o 1 Package of Expo markers
o 1 Package of Pip Squeak markers
o Bubble solution
o 8 pack crayons
o 1 water color set
o Homemade Play doh Material (made weekly)
o All purpose flour
o Salt
o Food coloring
o Cream of tartar
o 1 box tissues, 500 count
o 24 regular size #2 pencils w/erasers
o 12 ELMER’S glue sticks
o 2 boxes regular size CRAYOLA crayons, 24 count
o 1 pkg. odorless BLACK EXPO dry erase markers
o 1 set of CRAYOLA thick tip markers, 8 basic colors, water base, odorless, non-florescent
o 2 containers of Clorox or Lysol disinfectant wipes
o 1 12 oz. bottle hand sanitizer
o 2 reams of copy paper
The following items are needed and can be reused:
o 1 backpack for carrying books and materials
1st Grade
o 1 box tissues, 500 count or 2 boxes 250 count
o 24 regular size #2 pencils w/erasers preferably yellow pencils
o 8 glue sticks
o 1 yellow highlighter
o 1 box regular size crayons, 24 count
o 2 pkgs. Odorless Thick Black EXPO dry erase markers
o 2 spiral notebooks, wide-ruled, 80 sheets
o 3 pocket folders with 2 storage areas
o 1 rubber eraser
o 1 container bleach-free disinfectant wipes
o 1 bottle hand sanitizer 8oz. or larger
o 1 headphones (no earbuds and no wireless headphones)
o 1 one-inch 3 ring binder
o 2 reams of copy paper
The following items are needed and can be reused:
o 1 backpack for carrying books and materials
o 1 set of thick tip markers, 8 basic colors, water base, odorless, non-florescent
o 1 school box
o 1 pair blunt-end scissors
o 1 white sock for white-board eraser
2nd Grade
o 2 glue sticks
o 1 highlighter
o 2 black felt tip pens (flair pens or off brand comparable pens-Please NO Dyvicl brand)
o 6 EXPO markers
o 2 spiral notebooks, wide-rule, 80 sheets
o 2 pocket folders with 2 storage areas
o 1 package of large erasers
o 1 post it notes (3x3)
o 1 box regular size crayons (24 count)
o 1 box of thick tip washable markers
o 1 pkg colored pencils
o 2 reams of white copy paper
o Sock for whiteboard eraser
The following items are needed and can be reused
o 1 one-inch 3 ring binder
o 1 backpack
o 1 pencil box
o 1 pair blunt-end scissors labeled with student name
o 1 pair of over the ear headphones labeled with student name
3rd Grade
o 2 box tissues, 500 count or 4 boxes 250 count
o 24 regular size #2 pencils w/erasers
o 2 rubber pink erasers
o 6 glue sticks
o 2 highlighters (1 yellow & 1 of a different color)
o 1 package of black felt tip markers
o 8 or more odorless EXPO dry erase markers
o 4 spiral notebooks, wide-ruled, 80 sheets
o 1 pkg. wide-lined notebook paper, 100 sheets, w/redline margin
o 4 pocket folders with 2 storage areas, various solid colors
o Last Names A-M: 1 container bleach-free disinfectant wipes
o Last Names N-Z: 1 container of hand sanitizer
o Last Names A-M: 1 package of gallon size zip-lock bags
o Last Names N-Z: I package of snack size zip-lock bags
o 1 post-it notes (3 x3)
o 1 headphones or earbuds
o 2 reams of copy paper
The following items are needed and can be reused:
o 1 box regular size crayons, 24 to 48 count
o 1 backpack for carrying books and materials
o 1 set of thick tip markers, 8 basic colors, water base, odorless, non-florescent
o 1 small school box
o 1 pair blunt-end scissors
o 1 white sock for white-board eraser
4th Grade
o 2 box tissues, 500 count or 4 boxes 250 count
o 24 regular size #2 pencils w/erasers
o 4 glue sticks
o 2 highlighters (1 yellow & 1 of a different color)
o 2 pkgs. odorless EXPO dry erase markers (packs of 4 markers)
o 1 set of markers water base, odorless, non-fluorescent
o 4 spiral notebooks, wide-ruled, 80 sheets
o 2 pkg. wide-lined notebook paper, 100 sheets, w/redline margin
o 6 pocket folders with prongs and 2 storage areas, various solid colors
o 3 ball point pens; black, red, and blue
o 2 containers bleach-free disinfectant wipes
o 1 bottle hand sanitizer 8oz. or larger
o 2 post-it notes (3 x3)
o 1 headphones
o 1 one-inch 3 ring binder
o 2 reams of copy paper
The following items are needed and can be reused:
o 1 box regular size crayons, 24 to 48 count
o 1 backpack for carrying books and materials
o 1 set of colored pencils
o 1 school box
o 1 pair pointed scissors
o 1 white sock for white-board eraser
o 1 bottle school glue, 8oz., white only
5th Grade
o 24 regular size #2 pencils with erasers
o 3 glue sticks
o 1 pkg. colored pencils
o 2 highlighters (1 yellow and 1 of a different color)
o 1 pkg. colored pencils
o 4 pkgs. odorless EXPO brand dry erase markers (packs of 4 markers)
o 1 set of markers water base, odorless, non-fluorescent
o 3 ball point pens; black, red, and blue
o 2 post-it notes (3x3)
o 1 spiral notebook, wide-ruled, 80 sheets
o 2 spiral 3 subject notebooks, wide-ruled
o 1 pkg. wide-ruled notebook paper, 100 sheets, w/redline margin
o 1 one-inch 3 ring binder with inside pocket
o 5 plastic pocket folders with prongs and 2 storage areas, various solid colors
o 2 reams of copy paper
o 1 container bleach-free disinfectant wipes
o 2 bottles hand sanitizer 8oz. or larger
o 1 pair earbuds/headphones
The following items are needed and can be reused:
o 1 box regular size crayons, 24 count
o 1 backpack for carrying books and materials
o 1 pair pointed scissors
Early Childhood
o Full Size backpack (NO WHEELS)
o 4 JUMBO Purple Glue sticks
o 2 boxes of Kleenex
o 2 Paper Towel Rolls
o 1 Package of napkins
o 1 Lysol Spray
o 1 Package disinfectant wipes
o 1 Package baby wipes
o Dixie cups
o 1 Individual water bottles (no stainless steel)
o 1 Package of Expo markers
o 1 Package of Pip Squeak markers
o Bubble solution
o 8 pack crayons
o 1 water color set
o Homemade Play doh Material (made weekly)
o All purpose flour
o Salt
o Food coloring
o Cream of tartar
o 1 box tissues, 500 count
o 24 regular size #2 pencils w/erasers
o 12 ELMER’S glue sticks
o 2 boxes regular size CRAYOLA crayons, 24 count
o 1 pkg. odorless BLACK EXPO dry erase markers
o 1 set of CRAYOLA thick tip markers, 8 basic colors, water base, odorless, non-florescent
o 2 containers of Clorox or Lysol disinfectant wipes
o 1 12 oz. bottle hand sanitizer
o 2 reams of copy paper
The following items are needed and can be reused:
o 1 backpack for carrying books and materials
1st Grade
o 1 box tissues, 500 count or 2 boxes 250 count
o 24 regular size #2 pencils w/erasers preferably yellow pencils
o 8 glue sticks
o 1 yellow highlighter
o 1 box regular size crayons, 24 count
o 2 pkgs. Odorless Thick Black EXPO dry erase markers
o 2 spiral notebooks, wide-ruled, 80 sheets
o 3 pocket folders with 2 storage areas
o 1 rubber eraser
o 1 container bleach-free disinfectant wipes
o 1 bottle hand sanitizer 8oz. or larger
o 1 headphones (no earbuds and no wireless headphones)
o 1 one-inch 3 ring binder
o 2 reams of copy paper
The following items are needed and can be reused:
o 1 backpack for carrying books and materials
o 1 set of thick tip markers, 8 basic colors, water base, odorless, non-florescent
o 1 school box
o 1 pair blunt-end scissors
o 1 white sock for white-board eraser
2nd Grade
o 2 glue sticks
o 1 highlighter
o 2 black felt tip pens (flair pens or off brand comparable pens-Please NO Dyvicl brand)
o 6 EXPO markers
o 2 spiral notebooks, wide-rule, 80 sheets
o 2 pocket folders with 2 storage areas
o 1 package of large erasers
o 1 post it notes (3x3)
o 1 box regular size crayons (24 count)
o 1 box of thick tip washable markers
o 1 pkg colored pencils
o 2 reams of white copy paper
o Sock for whiteboard eraser
The following items are needed and can be reused
o 1 one-inch 3 ring binder
o 1 backpack
o 1 pencil box
o 1 pair blunt-end scissors labeled with student name
o 1 pair of over the ear headphones labeled with student name
3rd Grade
o 2 box tissues, 500 count or 4 boxes 250 count
o 24 regular size #2 pencils w/erasers
o 2 rubber pink erasers
o 6 glue sticks
o 2 highlighters (1 yellow & 1 of a different color)
o 1 package of black felt tip markers
o 8 or more odorless EXPO dry erase markers
o 4 spiral notebooks, wide-ruled, 80 sheets
o 1 pkg. wide-lined notebook paper, 100 sheets, w/redline margin
o 4 pocket folders with 2 storage areas, various solid colors
o Last Names A-M: 1 container bleach-free disinfectant wipes
o Last Names N-Z: 1 container of hand sanitizer
o Last Names A-M: 1 package of gallon size zip-lock bags
o Last Names N-Z: I package of snack size zip-lock bags
o 1 post-it notes (3 x3)
o 1 headphones or earbuds
o 2 reams of copy paper
The following items are needed and can be reused:
o 1 box regular size crayons, 24 to 48 count
o 1 backpack for carrying books and materials
o 1 set of thick tip markers, 8 basic colors, water base, odorless, non-florescent
o 1 small school box
o 1 pair blunt-end scissors
o 1 white sock for white-board eraser
4th Grade
o 2 box tissues, 500 count or 4 boxes 250 count
o 24 regular size #2 pencils w/erasers
o 4 glue sticks
o 2 highlighters (1 yellow & 1 of a different color)
o 2 pkgs. odorless EXPO dry erase markers (packs of 4 markers)
o 1 set of markers water base, odorless, non-fluorescent
o 4 spiral notebooks, wide-ruled, 80 sheets
o 2 pkg. wide-lined notebook paper, 100 sheets, w/redline margin
o 6 pocket folders with prongs and 2 storage areas, various solid colors
o 3 ball point pens; black, red, and blue
o 2 containers bleach-free disinfectant wipes
o 1 bottle hand sanitizer 8oz. or larger
o 2 post-it notes (3 x3)
o 1 headphones
o 1 one-inch 3 ring binder
o 2 reams of copy paper
The following items are needed and can be reused:
o 1 box regular size crayons, 24 to 48 count
o 1 backpack for carrying books and materials
o 1 set of colored pencils
o 1 school box
o 1 pair pointed scissors
o 1 white sock for white-board eraser
o 1 bottle school glue, 8oz., white only
5th Grade
o 24 regular size #2 pencils with erasers
o 3 glue sticks
o 1 pkg. colored pencils
o 2 highlighters (1 yellow and 1 of a different color)
o 1 pkg. colored pencils
o 4 pkgs. odorless EXPO brand dry erase markers (packs of 4 markers)
o 1 set of markers water base, odorless, non-fluorescent
o 3 ball point pens; black, red, and blue
o 2 post-it notes (3x3)
o 1 spiral notebook, wide-ruled, 80 sheets
o 2 spiral 3 subject notebooks, wide-ruled
o 1 pkg. wide-ruled notebook paper, 100 sheets, w/redline margin
o 1 one-inch 3 ring binder with inside pocket
o 5 plastic pocket folders with prongs and 2 storage areas, various solid colors
o 2 reams of copy paper
o 1 container bleach-free disinfectant wipes
o 2 bottles hand sanitizer 8oz. or larger
o 1 pair earbuds/headphones
The following items are needed and can be reused:
o 1 box regular size crayons, 24 count
o 1 backpack for carrying books and materials
o 1 pair pointed scissors